Tuesday 27 January 2009

working title films

Working Title Films is a British film production company, situated in the Uk London. The company was founded by Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in 1984. It produces feature films such as Bridget Jones diary which is a British romantic comedy and some television productions. Eric Fellner and Bevan are the now co-owners of the company. In 2004 the company made a profit of £17.8 million pounds. In 2007, all its films are distributed by Universal Studios. The company has also produced films such as Four weddings and a funeral, Billy Elliot and Shaun of the dead.

Monday 26 January 2009

In this preliminary task and we choose to do a simple conversation between two people using the 180 degree rule.
We use close ups, medium shots, long shots in our clip to show detail and set location. From this task we have learnt not to use zoom in during a clip and keep it simple as it soon gets complicated and looks messy. Overall we think this was a good start in using the equipment. We decided to use invisible editing to make the clip more realistic rather than cutting inbetween each clip.  

Thursday 15 January 2009


The film we make is going to be an American /british film as it is going to be in a typical English location being a bedroom but also have an american style which links to films such as Legally blonde which are american stereotypical girly films. We shall use British accents and characteristics rather than adapting to american characteristics. The film is going to be based on having a big budget as it has a wide audience for its genre.

Narrative structure

We are going to use a non-linear structure as we will be shooting between two different characters and locations these being the girls house and the boys house. The music will be digetic and will be parallel to the mood and genre so the characters can hear the music and will be singing along to the music. 

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Clip analysis

I analyzed a clip form white chicks starting from 0.50 seconds in to 9.30 minutes. This is a girly chick flick comedy. The clips start in a garden setting very bright and colourful mise en scene, which shows the girly side of the film. We soon see the girls in their stereotypical mood as they are talking about shopping and getting excited. We then see them in the car singing along to a song, which brings out the comedy side of the film, as they are very theatrical and over the top and over acting all the actions, which makes the film funnier and better to watch.
There is then a sudden change when they begin singing to rap music that is a shock to the stereotypical mood as some of the girls think it could be seen as racist but yet again this just keeps adding to the comedy of the film. The clip carries on with the bright and colourful lighting and up beat mood. We see the girls shopping which brings out a happy mood and there are many comedic moments slipped in which makes the film ore appealing for people.
There are a few funny innuendo's which can be taken in many ways which makes the viewer think of the way in which it should be taken this will appeal to a wider range of people with different types of humor. as they try on the clothes we see the over blown versions of reality when girls go shopping but very theatrical and over the top we see a slight difference when she comes out of the changing rooms and breathes out and their is non-digetic music that shows the horror when she rips her clothing. The pace of the film then changes as they come out of the shop as the girls purse is stolen and they run after the thief this will shock people as girls are suppose to be delicate and gentle not aggressive and running. As she retrieves the bag the film resumes to its girly stereotypical genre. The clip is an overblown version of a english girly film. They use all the stereotypical things but add to them and make them bigger and better and more appealing to more people and different age ranges.

clip analysis

In this clip from Bridget Jones diary the genre of a romantic comedy is shown through median shots showing couples, giving the connotations of romance and love. This is also shown through Bridget's red jumper, which relates to the love aspect and the candles and flowers in the background relating to the romantic aspect of the clip. The typical stereotypes shown in this clip are wealthy business people. This is shown through the use of costume such as the suits and smart clothing. However Bridget's costume is more casual which reflects on a more laid-back working class character. Looking as this clip i can see that the target audience will mainly be female young adults to middle aged women as it is about love and relationships. From this clip i can see that the props in the background such as the flowers and candles are a good idea as they represent love and therefore a romantic comedy. I will use this idea in our film as it portrays the film being a romantic comedy. 

The comedy aspect from this clip immediately comes from the characters expressions, including both facial and dynamic. This makes the clip more appealing as it has a sense of humor.  At 31 seconds a long shot is used to show difference between Bridget and the couples. This is portrayed by seeing her sat at the top of the table on her own. Low-key lighting is use throughout the shot to make it seem realistic and to also go with the romantic theme. When introducing Mr. Darcy close ups are used to express his emotions and to portray him as being quite mysterious. 

Box office figures

These are the five top selling romantic comedies.

RankTitle (click to view)StudioLifetime Gross /TheatersOpening / TheatersDate
1My Big Fat Greek WeddingIFC$241,438,2082,016$597,3621084/19/02
2What Women WantPar.$182,811,7073,092$33,614,5433,01212/15/00
4Pretty WomanBV$178,406,2681,811$11,280,5911,3253/23/90
5There's Something About MaryFox$176,484,6512,555$13,740,6442,1867/15/98
By looking at these figures we can see which movies are the most popular and best selling. We can also see there is a wide audience for this genre.

Monday 12 January 2009



The genre that we have choosen to display in our film is going to be a romantic comedy. The key conventions of a romantic comedy are : 

  • Location- It is normally situated in a large city.
  • Story line- Hate each other- Don't know each other- secret admirer.
  • Lighting- Bright lighting, natural and warm.
  • Typical characters- popular, confident girly girl. sporty boy.
We plan to make our film different to the stereotypical film. We are going to do this by choosing a rare story line e.g they already know each other and like each other.


Target audience

Target audience 

The target audience that we have choosen to aim our film at is going to be teenagers to young adults that are mainly girls.

Opening sequence

In this clip of legally blonde we can see the media language showing a girly chic flick, everything is pink and girly. We shall try and use these ideas in our film to show the comparison between girls and boys. A split screen will let the viewer see this.
we will also use the close up ideas on detail e.g jewellry and nails which represents the girly stereotype.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Inspirational films

Scrubs, this video shows a guy getting ready for a date and trying on different outfits. We shall use this idea in our film but we shall use the girl and the boy. This will also bring out a comedic side of our film. 

inspirational films

Mamma mia when they are singing into the props. We shall use this particular idea to bring out the comedy side of our chosen genre. We will use the theatrical acting as is shown in mamma mia to portray the comic side of the film .

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Inspirational films

Johnny English when he is singing in to his toothbrush at the begining. 
We shall use this idea in our film but changing it to singing into a hairbrush 
along with a song and in bedroom rather than bathroom. From this scene 
we can also see that the acting is very over the top. we will use this idea 
because it is very appealing to the audience and funny.

Inspirational films

The films that we have got our inspiration from are shown below:

  • It's a boy girl thing - This shows a stereotypical girl and boy bedroom,where we can see pink for girls and blue for boys. It is also shown through the styles of bedrooms as the boys is messy and dark and the girls is tidy and brightly coloured.  up to 2.55 minutes of the film. By watching this clip we are going to use the stereotypical styles of bedrooms in our film and also the characteristics of these typical characters.

Starting ideas

Theme- Happy film, romance first date

Genre- Romantic comedy

Style/media language

Lighting- Bright, clear, soft high key lighting  

Colour- Stereotypical colours blue for boys and pink for girls
bright colours, red for romance.

Framing- Medium shots and close up. At the begining show long shot to set scene of the house. Split screen shot to show contrast in characters.

Sound- Background music, cheesy pop songs.

Appearance/ Performance- Lively, happy characters, over the top performance. 

Characters- Two main characters one boy and one girl.

Location- The film is set in their stereotypical bedrooms showing them getting ready for a date.