Monday 16 March 2009


Our final clip turned out different to how we had planned in our story board. We made a few changes such as taking out the male character. In the end we feel this was for the best and has made a positive impact to our film, as the girl is the main character. We have also positively used media language such as close ups on the makeup and mirrors to show the typical stereotype we wanted to achieve. we also achieved this by using the colour pink. Overall we are happy with the out come of our clip and feel it fits into the genre that we originally planned and set it to be. If we could have changed anything we would have choosen the ending to have been filmed at night to make it more dramatic. 

Friday 13 March 2009

Final Clip


We have decided to make a few changes to the script of our film. We have taken out the boy character as it took up to much footage and it seemed more effective without.